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8 Email Marketing Trends for 2017

The Email marketing trends that are expected for this 2017, revolve around prevailing values of our era: speed, instantaneidad and informality. Find out what they are here to get the most out of your campaigns.


1. Shorter Email The concept of “Dense Content” that we explained in the SEO trends of 2017, also applies to emailing. Before increasingly multitasking hearings, and short of time, the content is concise, clear and direct. Whether you challenge information, humor or emotion, the premise will always be the same.

2. Increasingly casual, informal and personalized tone                                                          The email now takes a more descontracturado, direct and striking tone, where they must preponderate the specific calls for action, and news or promotions tempting for the reader. The premise that is further affirmed is personalization.

3. Automation Different studies have proven the increase of the rate of conversions that automated campaigns have, thanks to its instantaneity, and to its capacity to provide an information or an offer when it is required by the user. Integration with the CRM and the website is vital to achieve the best results.

4. Creativity and interactivity Animated gifs and videos are at the forefront of this new year that begins. Before users are more and more accustomed to looking at what to read, offering attractive visual content allows you to attract attention quickly and effectively

5. Mobile, always Mobile. Using responsive emails, that is to say that they are read in all type of screen, is the rule Nro 1. It has long been that the rates of opening of mobile more than surpass to the desktop PCs or notebooks. Also, as we explained a few months ago, Google improved its ability to display adaptive emails in Gmail, so you have more possibilities. Multi-screen design, multi-screen test, multi-screen measurement.

6. Test A / B is the norm This type of test is essential in any email marketing methodology. Get used to dividing your audience in at least 2 groups, and try different subjects or content for each one of them. The reason is simple, the behaviors of users are very changing, and extremely fast. What seemed effective only a few weeks ago, can be a fashion already perimida. The best way then to corroborate the efficiency of your shipments, is to try two alternatives, and learn from the results, while decoding preferences of your target audience and elaborating increasingly relevant pieces.

7. Subscription through the ingenuity And if we talk about email marketing, we should also mention how to get new subscribers. The pop-us on blogs to increase audience, were born long ago, and seem to be to stay. But now with a little transformation. The invasives are already seeing less and less, because of the malaise of many users when interacting with them. Today, screens that invite users to leave their data with a creative or fun message are strengthened. It is no longer about capturing, but about entertaining.

8. Facebook will increase your lists To conclude, and continuing the previous topic, we share another trend that grows to increase subscribers. Among the solutions that Facebook offers for companies, experts agree that one of their biggest achievements has been advertising lead generation. Through forms included within the platform, – as we told you in tips to advertise on Facebook – it is possible to obtain relatively low new emails interested in your products, which will certainly be faithful customers in the future.

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