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Discount Season: 5 Learnings About Shopping Behaviors

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

Did you know that 25% of Latin Americans start looking for the products of their interest between 2 and 3 months before the discount season? And although many like to wait until the start date of promotions, 4 out of 10 have already planned their purchase.

Knowing how consumers behave will help you prepare better.

During the pandemic, we have observed a huge growth of e-commerce in the world and especially in Latin America, where it almost doubled. At the same time, people are increasingly demanding personalized experiences. And although the inspiration and research stage occurs mostly online, the number of users who are willing to go to physical stores to research the products that interest them is growing.

With the end of the year discount season “just around the corner,” a study by Ipsos and Google reveals 5 key learnings about the behaviors of Latin Americans to help prepare for this year's promotional season:

  1. Create control: consumers plan their purchases, seeking to be in control of their expenses.

  2. Finding balance: consumers will seek a balance in which they can integrate their digital and face-to-face experiences.

  3. Cultivate Connections: Consumers want to cultivate connections with their loved ones.

  4. Transform the home: Consumers invest in products they need to revitalize or make life at home more comfortable.

  5. Act as allies: Consumers are more aware of the impact of their decisions and are beginning to prioritize sustainable companies.

1. Create control through advance purchases

Today consumers are increasingly anticipating and planning their end-of-year purchases. How do we know? Among other data, the Ipsos study indicates that awareness of the main Christmas and New Year's discount events was already around 90% between July and August.

In a world riddled with uncertainty, people need to feel in control of their experiences, their finances, and their time. And in that search for control, consumers analyze and anticipate their year-end purchases. That is, they have already started and this will not stop! out of every 2, Latin Americans will have planned their purchase one month before the event.

2. Finding balance: more omnichannel than ever

With more and more options available, consumers want to choose the way that is most comfortable for them when buying. Ultimately, the best channel is the one that works for the consumer. In fact, according to the Ipsos study, 3 out of 4 users are already thinking about a hybrid purchase: they will buy mainly on the Internet, but they will also go to physical stores.

In fact, according to internal Waze data, in September 2021, the number of trips to retailers in each country in Latin America is already at levels similar to and even higher than, those of September 2019.

And while in-store purchases have made a comeback in the countries of the region, digital will continue to be a fundamental part of the shopping journey, whether it takes place online or offline. Likewise, those who buy online prefer marketplaces (especially in Argentina and Mexico) and websites (especially in Chile and Peru), while purchases made directly in applications increase.

3. Cultivating Connections: Finding the Ideal Gift

Movement restrictions and social distancing measures were a barrier for people to get close to their loved ones. For this reason, with a view to the end of the year holidays, consumers will look for new forms of connection.

While 36% of shoppers would prefer to spend conservatively to prioritize savings, the Ipsos study found that 58% of people are mindful of shopping for gifts for their friends and family, as well as items they need and don't need. have had the opportunity to buy because of the pandemic.

4. Transforming the home: interest in durable goods

The house has become our great center of operations, so that area also stars in a good part of the purchase wishes. Thus, a tendency is observed in consumers to invest in those articles and products they need to revitalize or make life at home more comfortable.

Regarding the type of purchases, Ipso's research reveals that, in general, Latin Americans prefer the convenience of receiving their purchases directly to their home over the option of picking up at a delivery point or in-store.

5. Act as allies: eco-friendly proposals

Going through a health crisis has made us more aware of how our purchasing decisions affect the environment. In fact, during 2020, searches on sustainability increased by 46%. And in the case of Mexico, during the last quarter, they increased 98% compared to the previous period.

Consumers are not only beginning to prioritize sustainable companies but also, in the face of Christmas and New Year purchases, they are showing a particular interest in products that are friendly to the environment. Likewise, more than 80% of consumers declared that they will continue to support eco-friendly companies.

By Pablo Castellanos y Andrea Vera

Source: 1-6, 8-13 Estudio Google/Ipsos, “Temporada de Descuentos 2021”, México, Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Perú. Ola 1: n= 1000 entrevistas por país, Julio 2021. Ola 2: n= 500 entrevistas por país, Agosto 2021.
7 Waze Internal Data, “Viajes a tiendas retail en países latinoamericanos”, septiembre de 2021 vs. septiembre de 2019. México, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Chile y Perú. Retail >> Electrónicos, Joyería, Tiendas de muebles, Personal Care, Farmacia, Tiendas de música, Librerías, Centros comerciales, Ferreterías, Moda y vestido, Supermercados, Tiendas de conveniencia, Tiendas departamentales, Florerías, Mercados, Tiendas deportivas, Artesanía, Manualidades y Juguetes.

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