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How to create an online marketing strategy

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

I will provide step by step the stages you must follow to achieve a successful digital marketing strategy for your brand.

1. Definition of Objectives

The first step will be to spell out what you want to achieve. Your ultimate goal will undoubtedly be to have more sales and customers, but to achieve this you must clarify what you want to achieve in your strategy. For simplicity, we can divide the goals into the following groups, and also give you some examples of each.

  1. Capture and Attract: Reach more visitors to your website, more reach in your social networks

  2. Consolidate a positive brand reputation

  3. Get Conversions: Have higher orders for budgets, or online sales

  4. Loyalty: That your occasional clients become permanent, or that your visitors return to your website

Keep in mind that you probably want to reach more than one of them. Being clear about this stage will simplify you to continue with the process.

2. Know your target audience

Every business has a specific target, and it is essential that you are clear about what is yours, since knowing clearly and even documenting you will order the actions you perform. The fundamental aspects to know are: Age (age groups), Gender, Culture, lifestyle, social stratum, etc. Facebook or Adwords in your advertising system are becoming more accurate in the segments that can be run, so know your target audience will boost your campaigns

Additionally, keep in mind that brands that manage to penetrate the minds of their consumers with emotions such as joy, well-being, fullness or trust will forge an almost indestructible bond with the members of their audience, so it’s a good time to think about the Values that you want to convey.

3. Define deadlines, checkpoints, and KPIs.

Each campaign, in addition to its goal, will have a beginning and an end. But remember that it is essential to have intermediate milestones, where you can review the progress of your project. And for this we recommend that you establish your KPI, ie the Key Management Indicators. (Key Performance Indicator) These have to have well-defined characteristics, which are summarized with the acronym SMART, and these are “Specific, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Temporary.

Recall that KPIs will be defined in the design of the campaign, not on the fly or when a progress report is desired.

4. Choose the channels you will focus on.

Will you perform SEO on your website? Will you run campaigns on the Google search engine? What social networks will you promote? Will you send email marketing campaigns? Will you advertise on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin? Will you do Remarketing? Will you have banners on websites? Will you create or boost your blog?

These are some of the fundamental questions to answer. It is important that you keep in mind that you do not have to do everything !!! Choose the most appropriate according to the above points (objectives, audience), and do it with quality.

5. Set the budget, and how you will execute it.

We’ve already talked about goals, start, end, and control metrics. There is certainly a fundamental aspect, which is economic. On the one hand you must define how much you will invest in advertising, or in email marketing, and on the other you must organize the work team. You will not always have experts in all areas, so it is possible that you have to outsource some tasks with a specialized agency or freelance professional.

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